Wilmington Area Artificial Grass Tee Lines, Driving Ranges & Tee Boxes
In addition to our world-class putting greens, the expert golf installation team at Wilmington Golf Greens can design and install a golf amenities such as Tee Lines, Driving Ranges, and Tee Boxes for your private course, community facility, or even your private estate. When we come out to offer a free artificial grass golf consultation, we will assess the property for the possibility of combining Tee Lines, Driving Ranges, Chipping Areas and other amenities which enhance play and challenge golfers, and increase the ability to practice chipping and hitting from different distances and approaches.
We regularly install Chipping areas and Tee Boxes in backyards where home golfers can practice chipping onto their putting green. Frequently our customers say the chipping areas in their backyard get as much use as the actual artificial grass putting green itself.
Wilmington Golf Greens Artificial Turf’s premium materials and unique installation process ensures that your tee lines and chipping practice areas deliver optimum performance. Our quality driving range mat has the density and backing designed to support the most realistic and high performance golfing experience and will add an extra layer of challenge to your short game.

Request a Free Playground Grass Estimate 910-507-9572